Difference between 15 vs 20 stage Filtered Shower Head

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Joanna Gaines |

It should be a daily practice to take a refreshing shower to rejuvenate. Nonetheless, a lot of people may experience dry skin, brittle hair, and an overpowering chlorine stench from using hard tap water. Filtered showerheads can potentially provide an answer to this problem and make showering a more pleasant and clean experience. Nonetheless, selecting the best one can be difficult given the abundance of possibilities available, especially those with varying "stage" counts.

Do not fear! This extensive manual explores the world of filtered showerheads with 15 and 20 stages in detail.

Illuminating the Phases:

Visualize every phase of a filtered showerhead as a stop along a purification trip for your shower water. To address distinct pollutants, each step makes use of certain materials or technology.

Typical phases of filtration consist of:

Sediment filters: filter out big particles such as rust or sand, resulting in cleaner, clearer water right away.
Reduced Chlorine: Municipal water sources frequently contain chlorine, a disinfectant. But it irritates skin and eyes and leaves behind an unpleasant smell. In order to remedy this, chlorine reduction filters eliminate a sizable amount of chlorine.
Heavy Metal Removal: These steps deal with potentially dangerous metals that can occasionally seep out of pipes, such as lead or mercury.
KDF medium: This adaptable filtration method can lower bacteria growth, heavy metals, and chlorine. It is also known as KDF (Kinetic Degradation Fluxion) medium.

Activated carbon is a very porous substance that may capture a lot of different kinds of pollutants, such as taste and odor contaminants, organic compounds, and chlorine byproducts.


A 20-stage filtered showerhead builds upon the 15-stage model, potentially offering:

More Targeted Filtration: May include additional stages for specific contaminants like fluoride, chloramines (a chlorine alternative used in some water supplies), or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can sometimes off-gas from shower components.
Deeper Purification: May utilize advanced filtration technologies like specialized media or multi-stage filtration processes for a more comprehensive cleanse.
Enhanced Benefits: Some models boast additional features like increased vitamin C/E infusion for purported hair and skin benefits or aromatherapy benefits with essential oils infused into the filter media.
Choosing Your Perfect Match: Tailoring Filtration to Your Needs.

The best option depends on the water's quality and your unique needs:

For Basic Improvement: A 15-stage model might be adequate if the primary issues you're worried about are chlorine odor or basic filtration of silt and other typical contaminants.
For Comprehensive Purification: A 20-stage system can be suitable if you live in a location with a high concentration of chlorine or chloramines, are concerned about specific contaminants like heavy metals or volatile organic compounds, or both.
Do Your Homework: It's important to comprehend the information in your local water report. You may choose the filtration stages that will best meet your demands by being aware of the precise toxins in your water supply. Try getting in touch with the local water authority or looking up the water report for your area online.

Steps Ahead: Focus on the Details That Count

Although the stage count provides a broad guideline, it shouldn't be the only thing that counts. Here is some more information to think about:

Filter Media: Examine the substances employed at each phase to determine how well they work against particular pollutants. For example, KDF medium is well known for its broad-spectrum filtration properties, while activated carbon is excellent at eliminating organic contaminants.
Replacement Costs: Take into account the price and frequency of filter changes specific to each model. Even though some 20-stage models may provide more thorough filtration, the cost of repeated filter replacements can mount up.
Shower Experience: To guarantee a showerhead that matches your preferred showering style, look for features including water pressure, spray patterns (rain, massage, and mist), and ease of installation.
Brand Reputation: Pick a respected company that places a high value on high-quality products.